Scuola Media Vivarini

Today I want to share with you an extraordinary experience that reminds me why I love my work. Recently, we had the pleasure of hosting the students of the Vivarini middle school in Murano at our Abate Zanetti Glass School for a glass casting workshop.

It's always a thrill to work with young people, especially when it comes to sharing my passion for the art of glass. During the workshop, students had the opportunity to work with recovery materials, combining creativity and sustainability. Each of them has realised their own work, putting fantasy and skill into play.

The students were able to use the materials available to express their personality and artistic vision. Their energy and enthusiasm are contagious, and they remind me every day how important it is to cultivate creativity in the new generations.

It was a pleasure to guide them in the glass-fusion process and explain how glass can be a material rich in possibilities, even when we use recycled materials. We talked about how the fusion of glass can turn seemingly useless objects into unique works of art, and I saw in their eyes the wonder and enthusiasm for this transformation process.

This is one of the aspects of my work that I love the most: seeing students experiment, learn and create. Every time I attend a workshop like this, I remember why I chose this career and why I am committed to passing on my passion for glass to future generations.

I thank the Vivarini middle school for giving us the opportunity to work with their students and share this wonderful experience. I hope these young artists found inspiration during the workshop and that they continue to explore the world of glass art with the same enthusiasm I saw that day. And, who knows, maybe one day some of them will become a master glassmaker, continuing the tradition of Murano.